"When we launched Street Angels in 2005 the local Police met with us and shared stories of community transformation and reduced crime through Christian based initiatives in various cities including Manchester, Liverpool and London. The Police were puzzled as to how this happened but they knew they wanted this for Halifax town centre on weekend evenings. Through a faith and police partnership we saw a reduction in violent crime in the town by 42% within 12 months. Since 2005 we have replicated and expanded the Street Angels model across the UK and overseas with similar results. I am 100% convinced that the faith community have something to offer the police community and the police community something to offer the faith community - the results: changed society and changed lives. This is why I had the vision for #FaithAndPoliceTogether - a collaboration and celebration of all that is achieved through partnership working. The work of all our organisations alone is amazing and helping transform a nation - together we can achieve even more!" Paul Blakey MBE - founder Street Angels and Christian Nightlife Initiatives Network
"ROC has been working directly with and supporting the Police since 1998. We are delighted to be part of this network alongside other organisations who are addressing Policing priorities with a proven track record of success." Debra Green OBE - founder and CEO Redeeming Our Communities
"The Police should never underestimate the opportunities which exist to forge links with Churches. Many Churches are not only providing a wide range of outreach projects but also have collaborations in place with other Churches in their areas. The beauty of working with Churches to help build stronger communities is that those involved in the ministries do this out of goodwill, and not for financial reward, they use their own time purposefully to help their own communities. Tapping into these resources and being visible at the venues makes absolute sense. It helps break down barriers and build trust. I urge members of the policing family to find out what is going on in their churches and see how they can help each other to make our communities safer and more cohesive." T/Detective Superintendent Matt Walker, North Yorkshire Police